Skill Development Centre (SDC) – Our Vision and Mission

student and academic staff member talking in the Liberty Building

Lloyd Law College has been constantly focussing on improving and developing the professional compatibility of our students. To organize and reconcile this imminent avenue, we have established the Skill Development Centre (SDC). Through SDC, we plan to empower our students with enhanced soft-skills and ensure that they be better prepared to face all the interviews and any other kinds of hurdles in future.

SDC is striving to work through providing positive reinforcement and values that will not only help them to become responsible and conscientious citizens but empower them enough to become an asset to the organisations they are associated with.

Through SDC, we also plan to introduce the concept of ‘Life-skills’ amongst our students so that they are more participative in all aspects of leading a happy life. These skills shall ensure that they live a fuller, richer and stable lifestyles. We all undergo the various ups and downs in our lives. But a student who has attended and participated in these sessions on various Life Skills’ we are quite sure will be able to face all the success with humility and learn from all the failures.

The clear intent here is to instil hope and optimism in the lives of our students and enable them to create the right opportunities and environment to succeed in life. Sometimes, involuntarily, the students engage with an environment where negativity and pessimism are ruling the roost. Most of them are not able to create opportunities for growth. We aspire and plan to work with them to remove all the negativity and pessimism in their lives, through the mode of these sessions and ensure that they are not just full of hope and optimism but are also provided the right means to achieve their goals in life.

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Our Vision

Ourvision to work consistently on the ‘Employability Quotient’ of our students in a focussed manner so as to make them industry-ready by the end of their course at Lloyd Law College.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide skill development sessions to our students on a much broader level at a very consistent pace by catering to all kinds of diversity. Under the aegis of SDC, we shall ensure that each student is provided the right skill development workshops and sessions and they these skills are tightly customised to suit the requirements of each of the interested student

Personality Development Centre

The societies that we live in – be it urban or rural, are supposed to serve as facilities where people are first judged on the basis of their personality first and skills later. It is said that how you present yourself, forms the first impressions in the mind of people you’re interacting with. And we all know that first impressions, if not last, but are quite important in themselves

Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds and the diversity can be seen in their socio-economic, regional and educational backgrounds. There is a diversity in their aspirations as well. SDC wishes to address all these kinds of diversities through their ‘Personality Development’ sessions and try bringing them on a common platform, so that they are not caught with disadvantageous position, due to their background. Focused sessions are arranged for all the students entering in the 1st year, throughout their starting year. The students who are specifically weak in this category, are even provided extra sessions by their respective faculties

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Soft-Skills – Creating the USP!

It is said that less than 10% graduates completing their education each year, in India, are employable. One of the biggest reasons for this kind of humiliating statistics is that our colleges and higher education institutions are not focusing on the over-all development of our students. Their primary focus is to complete the academic syllabus in the stipulated time-period and they feel their duty is over.

Our students are lacking a lot in their soft-skills development, as due focus is not being given by the various colleges and institutes. As someone with an LL.B. against their names, the law graduates are expected to be very good orators, public speakers, fantastic in articulating – both verbal and written. But the ground reality is that very few of them actually have the capabilities. This gap between what-is and what-should-be is recognized by the SDC.

Taking inspiration from the great Mahatma, who said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself first”, we will be setting up various programs where the students are led to move towards creating a life for themselves which has supreme liberty associated with it. We have seen that in a lot of cases of college education, the respective institutes are not achieving the desired outcomes. This is because of the primary reason that their focus is in developing only their hard-skills while ensuring that the syllabus is completed. They are faltering in understanding The primary reasons for these include, a non-regular focus on the various opportunities that are instituted for them and secondly, and more importantly, the fact that we are focusing more on developing hard skills for them, without understanding their psyche and working on them

Once we start to work on their psychological thought processes through our sessions, we would start understanding them better and hence would be able to work with them in a more effective manner, ensuring that the villagers our students start to think positively and start cultivating a productive environment around them. SDC sessions will also enable our students to understand their own self, so that they work on building a life of their own.

SDC’s value education model is to make life- transforming difference in the lives of our studentsaspiring to work within thejustice system, by teaching life-skills to improve on their behaviour, attitude and perspective towards life and focus on making them a more successful professional. It will also teach the skills for reducing stress, healing trauma, and providing practical knowledge of how to handle one’s emotions, live to one’s highest potential and contribute to the society

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Placement Related Training

Placement of our students is a priority for us and we leave no stone unturned to provide all kinds of assistance to our students who aspire to be placed (others being those who wish to go for higher studies, Judicial Services, Civil Services, etc.). To ensure that our students are ready to crack an interview of their aspiration, we invest heavily in conducting workshops for them on various skill-building exercises, such as helping them select the appropriate career for them, CV Writing, Interview Facing, Grooming, Networking tips and tricks, How to gain Internships, etc.

How Do We DO It – The Execution

At periodic intervals, we undertake formal/informal feedback from our students and even alumni, regarding what all can we do in the soft-skills space to ensure that our students have a definite USP over other Law graduates. We then vet out the suggestions, incorporating inputs from our own brain-storming sessions and create a semester-wise KRA

We also encourage students to think about what they wish to have a training session on, and send us an email on detailing the topic and its necessity. They can also meet the Asstt. Director, SDC, Dr. Pushp Lamba personally to discuss about the topic on which they require the SDC session. These topics vary from being soft-skills to life-skills

  1. Full-day Workshops
  2. Teaching Sessions, and
  3. Micro-Sessions.

While workshops and teaching session shall focus on a particular topic in much depth, while investing longer hours (full-days); the micro sessions shall be the shorter version of the same where the focus shall be on a smaller group of students and for a shorter period of time. Type of each interaction is dependent on the topic of the day.

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What We Do

The various workshops that SDC usually covers include the following topics. Of course, this list is only indicative and more topics and sessions are constantly added to this list:

  • Options after Law School
  • How to crack Interviews
  • Court-room Behaviour
  • Written Communication Skills
  • Public Speaking How to secure Internships?
  • How to behave during an Internship?
  • Creative Thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Intra-personal skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Positive Attitude
  • Decision-making
  • Problem Solving

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Young Trainers Mentorship Program (YTMP)

SDC has recently initiated a program for our students and christened it – Young Trainers Mentorship Program (YTMP). All those who have a passion for learning and imparting soft-skills are welcome to apply for this program. There shall be a selection round (the format of this round shall depend upon the number of applications received). Post selection, you shall go through an Orientation Session and then, on to learning the finer nuances of imparting training. Multiple structured and unstructured sessions shall be taken with you to train you in understanding human responses, the finer details of how to structure a training session, how to develop the content and most importantly, how to successfully deliver it to your audience. We shall work on polishing your Personality Development, Soft Skills, Public Speaking Skills, etc.


  1. You shall have an existing skill-set in soft-skills. We are not expecting you to be an expert, yet.
  2. Working knowledge of MS-PowerPoint, MS-Word and MS-Excel
  3. Willing to unlearn, if required
  4. Be a team player.
  5. Willing to do all levels of work – from clerical to a master trainer
  6. Minimum 75% attendance record
  7. If you are a member of any other existing Cells, such as Research & Publication, Moot Court Society, etc., you cannot apply for this position.
  8. If you are a member of any other existing teams going for debate, moot court competition, etc., your selection shall be subject to joining our team, post completion of the pre-committed activity.

What we shall provide you

  1. Skills for life. These Life Skills shall not only help you if you wish to pursue your higher education, but also shall serve in making you a more confident professional.
  2. Extensive opportunity for sharpening your Oratory Skills
  3. People Management Skills.
  4. Exposure to the professional way of working

Fringe Benefits

  1. This is a Certificate Program
  2. One-to-one mentorship opportunity

One-on-One Career Counselling Workshop

At Lloyd Law College, our prime endeavour has always been to upgrade the skills of our students. It was for this reason that the ‘Skill Development Centre’ (SDC) has been established. We are constantly in touch with our students through formal and informal communication to understand the skill-requirements that each of our batches have. We are committed to fulfilling the requirements of all of you, over a period of time.

Of late, we have been witnessing a substantial number of our students from both the programs – B.A. LL.B. and LL.B., coming over to us to express their inability to take firm decisions w.r.t. their career choices. A lot of you are not sure as to the correct path for your future – be it taking up a job, going for LLM (within India and abroad) or go for Civil Services or even cracking the Judiciary

We are deeply concerned for you and hence have decided to organize‘Career Counselling Session’ for each of the students who wish to take so. Dr. Pushp Lamba is going to meet each one of the interested students on a one-on-one basis and shall guide you with the way going forward.

Dr. Pushp Lamba, Associate Professor and Asstt. Director, SDC, has over 17 years of work experience and is a certified Global Career Counsellor from UCLA (E), USA. He has a proven track record of not just providing practical and useful soft-skills sessions, but of mentoring thousands of students into making the right career choices. His former students currently are in almost all the top-tier Law Firms in India. Lloyd Law College is now working as a part of Lloyd family and has been taking sessions with all of you and has been actively partaking in providing career counselling to a lot of you.

We would urge you to make the most of the given opportunity and ensure that your career takes the right path and that you are provided with a reality-check. Also, we want that each one of you should know the road-map towards achieving your professional goals.

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Benefits of Career Counselling Workshop

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Dr. Pushp Lamba will take you through a series of informal questions, to help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Information on your strengths and weaknesses plays a role in helping you choose a suitable career path. These discussions will also help you understand yourself more as you advance through your career and help you identify areas you need to improve. He will further advise you on steps you can take to work on your weaknesses and ensure that you make your strengths stronger

Set Goals

Your career counsellor will play a great role in giving guidance to help you set short-and long-term goals, and create an action plan with appropriate advice at each stage. Setting goals helps you create a career path with set measures to assess your progress at specific stages. Working with a counsellor will also ensure that you have an accountability partner you can consult and report to, along the way. Goals further help you anticipate challenges and prepare for changes in advance. They also guide your decisions as you progress in your career.

Explore Options

Due to his long-time experience in the field, Dr. Pushp Lamba understands careers options and advancement options widely. He will spend time with you; assess your interests and present options that you can explore. He will also offer insight into the options you present and guide you in pursuing a suitable path. Your career counsellor will also provide you with advice appropriate for the stage you are at. His professional perspective gives you the confidence to explore various options and settle for a choice that suits you best.

Career Opportunities

Once you select a career path, your counsellor will help you identify available opportunities and follow-up on them accordingly. He will also help you prepare for interviews, work on your SOPs (for LL.M.), draft your Cover Letters (for jobs) and find the right people to help you with your choice, for example, financial advisors, in case you choose to further your education. Your counsellor further offers follow-up advice to help you settle in your choice and pursue it fully, holding you accountable to the goals you set.


Successful professionals present themselves to the market as brands. With a Ph.D., and over 17 years of doing such exercises, Dr. Pushp Lambawill help you create a brand that employers and other professionals appreciate and respect. He will take advantage of your strengths and use them to strengthen your brand. He shall advise you as to how be uniquely recalled by your clients and the legal fraternity. He will help you advance your professional brand

A career counsellor offers invaluable advice and support to help you at each stage of your career. Take advantage of the opportunity to get guidance and mentorship from Dr. Pushp Lamba. Approach the process with an open mind to benefit fully and ensure that you do not limit your interaction with your counsellor to just that one day. Ensure that you consult him on a regular basis to get the maximum benefit out of the exercise.

Expected Outcomes of the Soft-skills Program- Benefits

A student who achieves proficiency level in soft-skills, has a lot of edge over the others who haven’t even thought about working on it. The sessions of SDC are directed towards creating value for our students in the domain of soft-skills, so that they are able to crack that interview, deliver PowerPoint presentations, represent their clients in the court of Law, negotiate amazing deals for their clients and even have a lot of other people-management skills

Through this program, we seek the following benefits accrued to our students

  • Ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, employers, clients and customers, friends and family members: relationship enhancement
  • Improvement of time-management, organizational skills & goal setting
  • Development of leadership skills to improve teamwork, creativity, efficiency & productivity
  • Development of presentation skills to enhance sales, project explanations, self-confidence, relationship development
  • Ability to recognize stress symptoms & develop stress deflecting strategies
  • Effective strategies for transition & change
  • Brain storming & problem-solving strategies to increase creativity and collaborative outcomes

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Legal Trial Advocacy Centre (L-TAC)

The Mock Trial Competitions provide a unique opportunity to introduce our students to the criminal justice system through an immersive, active learning experience. The Mock Trials take students out of the classroom and place them in courtrooms, where they play the key roles involved in a criminal trial: from clerks and legal advocates to ushers and jurors. Using specially adapted cases – based on real trials – young people compete against teams

For young litigators, transactional attorneys, and expert witnesses, mock trial is a valuable public-speaking experience. Even if you have a wealth of experience with your case, topic, or materials, a confident and competent presentation is vital. For some individuals, this comes easily, but more practice allows for polish and further development of a personal style that works in the favour of our students, in terms of building their skill-set and making them even more ready for a successful career in Litigation.

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Corporate Law Practice Centre (CLPC)

Corporate Law Practice Centre is an initiative that is coming up to develop and train students for modern corporate world and enhance their knowledge and practical skills of corporate law and subjects related thereto. This Centre is being established to enhance and support students interested in joining the corporate sector of the legal fraternity. This Centre will function as an integral part of the institution and wehave envisioned that through right teaching and appropriate training, we aspire to provide assistance in removing the primary hurdles of getting internships with top Law Firms in India and abroad.

Through CLPC, we aim at training the students for the corporate field, through various workshops and practical training sessions. We also facilitate students with opportunities for internships and placements the corporate firms so that our students are provided with the opportunities and environment to enhance their networks. We also engage in developing industry-institution relations so that we can network on our students’ behalf, as and when the need arise.

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Public Interest Lawyering Centre (PIL Centre)

Public interest lawyering is a process of legal empowerment aimed at capacity building of everyday people towards using the law and institutions to bring about social change. In public interest lawyering, general people and community takes the lead in an active process while working hand in hand with lawyers. It is a process that requires the participation of the affected community from onset. Public interest lawyering bridges the paternalistic gap that exist between the lawyer and the end users of the laws within our communities, whereby the communities are disregarded in the articulation of legal issues surrounding them.

Today we understand that the significance of legal empowerment especially towards poverty reduction can be seen with the established link between legal rights and poverty. It is therefore the moral duty of lawyers to teach and educate the public about the law and how to use the law to achieve common good that will positively impact on all the people with the same characteristics. The role of lawyers as agents of change and builders of civil society ought to be made apparent from beginning just as medical doctors have the underlining principle of saving life

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Lloyd Alternate Dispute Redressal Centre (L-ADR)

Lloyd Alternative Dispute Resolution (LADR) Centre is entrusted withtheresponsibility of administering ADR activities in Lloyd Law College. The mandate oftheAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Board encompasses the promotion and conduction ofa widearray of dispute resolution mechanisms, relevant to today’s legal scenario. These includeArbitration,Mediation, Negotiation and Client Counselling. ADR as a real life career opportunityin India ischallenging, being a relatively new field of legal dispute resolution. To kindle thegradually increasinginterest among the Lloyadians and outside, the Society shall conductvarious tournaments to spread awareness, incentivize and recognize talent in this nascent field.


  • Contract Drafting: Contracts are the most inbuilt part of any legal system. Fair understanding of laws of contracts demands skills of drafting a good contract. Regular workshops are conducted to skill students currently studying laws of contract as part of their curriculum
  • Patent Drafting: Patenting is a mix of scientific legal process. Registering and applying for the patents requires drafting of a good patent legal application. Regular workshops are conducted to skill students currently studying Intellectual Property laws as part of their curriculum.
  • Civil Drafting: Every litigation starts with civil drafting. Regular workshops are conducted to skill students currently studying drafting of pleading and conveyancing as part of their curriculum.
  • Legislation Drafting: It is important to understand the statutes the way they are intended, this is made to learn through regular workshops conducted to skill students currently studying interpretation of statutes as part of their curriculum

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Contact Us

SDCintends to assist you with all the professional trainings and exposure that we understand is required for your success. You are also welcome to suggest any pertinent topics that you think are important for your skill-growth by sending in an email to marking a ‘cc’ to can contact us for any other relevant issue as well.