Ragging: Problems and Challenges
The Research Centre of Lloyd Law College along with the Lloyd Law College Legal Aid Cell has undertaken an empirical study on the issue of ‘ragging’. The project titled Ragging: Problems and Challenges focus on the implementation of anti-ragging laws and the allied decisions on the subject. As a part of the project, the team plans to collect data from various academic institutions located in and around Greater Noida about the implementation and institutional compliance of the anti-ragging laws. The Uttar Pradesh Anti Ragging Act was enacted in 2010 and it would be of high value to check and analyze the implementation and enforcement of the said Act. The team has completed the background research on the topic and would like to make it a comprehensive study by collecting data on the same and coming out with a report for the perusal of the government and enforcement agencies.
Laws covered under this Research Project include:
Law Passed by States
1. P. Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997 and Rules 2002;
2. P Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act, 2010;
3. West Bengal Prohibition of Ragging in Educational Institutions Act, 2002;
4. Jammu and Kashmir Prohibtion of Ragging Act, 2011
5. Himachal Pradesh Educational Institutions (Prohibition of Ragging) Act, 2009;
6. Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999;
7. Goa Prohibition of Ragging Act, 2008;
8. Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998;
9. Assam Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998;
10. Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997;
11. Tripura Educational Institutions (Prevention of Ragging) Act, 1990;
12. The Chattisgarh Shaikshanik Sansthan Me Prartarna ka Pratished Adhiniaym, 2001;
13. Haryana Anti-ragging Ordinance 2012.
Committee Report
1. Medical Council Report on Ragging (2009)
2. Pharmacy Council Report on Ragging (2006)
3. All India Council for Technical Education (2009)
4. The Prohibition and Eradication of Ragging Bill 2016
5. Council for Homeopathy guideline for Anti Ragging
6. Nursing Council of India Guidelines
7. Bar Council of India Guidelines
8. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Ordinance 2016
9. The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993
10. KPS Unny Committee Report 1999
11. Dental Council of India Guidelines
12. Ragging and Punishment under ordinary Law IPC 304, 306 , 307 ,319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 334, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 349, 350, 351, 352
Case Laws
1. State of HP vs Parent of a Student of Medical College , Shimla &Others (1985)3SCC 169
2. Pratul Kumar Sinha vs State of W.B (1994)SCC online Cal 292
3. Kolli Madhav Sairam Reddy vs U.O.I (2010) SCC online Guj 12634
4. Ajinas vs State of Kerala (2017) SCC online Ker. 4280
5. Manmohan Machra vs University of Rajasthan . 2010SCC Online Raj . 770
6. Arjit Maitra vs Biju Patnaik University of Technology Orissa and Other .(2010) SCC Online Ori 488
7. Vishwa Jgariti Mission vs C.G (2001)6SCC 577
8. Vivek Kumar vs State of Bihar (2012) SCC Online Pat 1511
9. Kavya vs Chairman , U.G.C (2014)SCC online Mad. 9067
10. Sharun Balu vs Sate of Kerala (2016)SCC online Ker. 37808
11. Adil M.H vs Mahatma Gandhi University WP NO 23123 of 2016
12. University of Kerala vs Council of Principals of College Kerala (2009)16 SCC 712