13 ,December 2019
A well known fact of “Veterans Day Memorial” in Arizona is where annually the sun lines perfectly to illuminate Veteran Memorials in Anthem. In the very same way we see the 46 teams lining annually as the sun lines to illuminate their laborious efforts in Mooting Competition, LLOYD LAW COLLEGE. It is a kind of festival being celebrated in LLOYD LAW COLLEGE every year with the same gusto, zest, zeal, enthusiasm, apathy and keenness. It is considered to be one of the flagship events of LLOYD LAW COLLEGE, Greater Noida.
As stated by the philosophers and scholars, the curious level of human beings are endless and want to know more and more about the happenings of in and around. In the same way there is curiosity to know about the celebration of this mega event. The questions that creep in our head after getting to know about this mega event is that: What is it all about? What are happenings of this event? When it is going to take place? Who are eligible to be a part of this auspicious event? What are the objectives for which it is organized? With what confinement it is performed? The most interesting one , why is the event named so?
The people who are basically a law learner are well versed with this name-“ Neelakanta Ramakrishna Madhava Menon. He is a person who gave a new ray, a new path, a new format, a new structure to the Indian Law Field. We can say that he was an outstanding jurist, reformist, educationalist, institution builder and an architect of modern legal education in India , which brought a revolution in Indian legal education system through his perseverance. He was an Indian Lawyer and Legal Educator, later on for his revolutionary change in legal field he came to be known as father of “MORDERN LEGAL EDUCATION IN INDIA”. Now let us count on his works which brought legal education in the country at par with the international benchmark, he elevated its standards to remarkable heights. At the very first step that he took towards was for education. He was the founder Director of the institution to which every law learner see as his or her first and foremost ambition in their legal knowledge i.e. NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL OF INDIAN UNIVERSITY,(NLSIU). He also led to the foundation NATIONAL JUDICIAL ACADEMY, BHOPAL as well as the WEST BENGAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JURIDICIAL SCIENCE (NUJS). He also contributed his knowledge by being the chairman of INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. He has served our nation by being a member of the LAW COMMISSION OF INDIA, the committee on Criminal Justice Reform and the Committee on Restructuring of Higher Education in India. As a whole he is credited for the conceptualization of the five years integrated coarse. This was the revolution made by him for which he is being acknowledged for and will be. He has been honored by the nation for his contributions of awards such as: Padma Shri, Living Legend of Law, Plaque of Honor, Rotary Club Award for Vocational Excellence and many more.
So, the eve named as “ Professor NR Madhava Menon SAARC Law Mooting Competition” is a tribute to Professor NR Madhava Menon. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE, Greater Noida, in collaboration with Menon Institute of Legal Advocacy & Training (MILAT) and Society of Indian Law Firms (SILF), holds the competition. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE launched the First Professor N.R.Madhava Menon SAARC LAW MOOTING Competition &Law Students Conference in 2016, under technical support from MILAT- MENON INSTITUTE OF LEGAL ADVOCACY, Trivandrum. The reform brought about in legal education by the pioneering efforts of Professor N.R.Madhava Menon during the last three decades through the Five Year integrated BALLB program under the National Law School experiment was the inspiration for LLOYD LAW COLLEGE to launch the Mooting Competition in the name of Padma Shree Professor N.R.Madhava Menon. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE is proud to be associated with MILAT in organizing the Mooting. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE with collaboration with MILAT, SILF and SAARCLAW are leaving no stone unturned to transform Professor Menon’s mission and vision in reality. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE, Greater Noida, has achieved a coveted position in legal education scenario since its inception. LLOYD LAW COLLEGE look forward to produce quality lawyers with great human values achieved to a larger extent.
For 2019-2020, as every year this year also the competition will be organized in two stages: at the first stage it will at India round, i.e. national level and after getting through it the second stage will be the SAARC round in which the SAARC countries will be participating with all by the hook or by crook. The first stage of the competition is being conducted in LLOYD LAW COLLEGE (October 18, 2019- October 20, 2019). Top ten teams will be selected by the jury and from the selected ten teams TWO SILF-MILAT BEST LAW STUDENT AWADEES(one male and one female) will be chosen. Now here is the eligibility to appear in the moot and that condition is that the competition is open to all the law student but it will be only the final year student appearing for the interview for SILF-MILAT Best Law Student Award. Each awardee will receive a fellowship of $50,000 USD from Penn State University, School of Law, USA to pursue LLM. Next round is the SAARC round which will be held in LLOYD LAW COLLEGE (February 21, 2020- February 23, 2019).
ARTICLE 1: Objective of the competition
ARTICLE 2: The India Round
ARTICLE 3: Team Composition and Eligibility
ARTICLE 4: Registration
ARTICLE 5: The Moot Proposition
ARTICLE 6: Memorials
ARTICLE 7: Assessment of the Memorials
ARTICLE 8: Oral Presentations
ARTICLE 9: Marking Criteria for the Oral Presentations
ARTICLE 10: Dispute
ARTICLE 11: Code of Conduct
ARTICLE 12: Awards for India Round
ARTICLE 13: Accommodation
ARTICLE 14: General Section
As the coin has two sides of it, one to be the head and other to be the tail. As everything has its own pros and cons. In the very same way if dos are listed then donts are also there. So here is the ANNEXURE ON DISQUALIFICATION AND PENALTY:
ARTICLE A2: Unfair Means, Intimidation and Misconduct
ARTICLE A3: Court Manners (Oral Arguments)
ARTICLE A4: Submission and Formatting of the Memorials
ARTICLE A5: Dress Code
ARTICLE A6: Non-compliance with the Rules of the Organizing Committee
The moot proposition for this year’s India round has been authored by Mr. Ravi Prakash, Academic Administrator-Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition and Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India for the India round of the Fifth Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition 2019-20. This moot proposition has been formulated solely for the purpose of this competition furthering the academic exercise. The copyright in the moot problem vests exclusively with Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition and the same shall not be used by any Institution, Organization, University or College without the written permission from Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Competition.
The questions which needs to be answered to satisfy to one’s curiosity is being mentioned above by being totally authentic to the content. Now what we need to look into is the event to take place with the same zeal as it is the most favorable festive taking place in LLOYD LAW COLLEGE every year. The sincere efforts and hard work put in by the faculty, students and staff in organizing this competition, will definitely be resulting in to be a grand success as it happens to be every year countries. This year, we are likely to have a guest team from Commonwealth. This competition would provide a common platform for the students of different law institutions to exchange ideas and also to learn from experienced legal experts.
B.A.LL.B (1st
Lloyd Law College