30 ,May 2022
When it comes to studying law, there is a single most efficient rule – study smart, not hard. The knowledge base associated with the law is quite extensive with the limited number of hours to devote. It is divided into various subsections like Civil Law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, etc. and hence require memorization of a large number of information such as which could be a bit challenging for a student at first. To be a successful law student, one has to strategic and aware of the career pathway one wants to pursue. For example, to be a successful tax lawyer, one should spend their time learning tax laws and amendments precisely to expand their knowledge base. Below are some of the proven tips that can enable a law aspirant to facilitate the study of law, improve the GPA, and prepare for a successful career.
1- Reading is a key: This is a crucial step while moving forward in law school. Do a thorough reading of the assigned course, don’t fall behind or you may never catch up. The best way is to choose the time and place where one would feel most concentrated and alert. Skipping this would dramatically increase one’s time to prepare for class or even for an exam hiding their overall performance.
2- Briefing comes hand in hand: Taking notes while reading followed by preparing a short summary and analysis for each case could be fruitful while classroom discussions. Note the significant facts behind the case, the holding of the case, and finally the ground behind the court’s decision on that matter. Remember to keep it short and simple.
3- Don’t skip the classes: Failure in attending the classes could be futile as more commonly law professor comes up with concepts and material that is not usually described in the reading which could be vital during the exam. Skipping these could compromise performance in the exams and further as a law student.
4- Attendance and participation, the dynamic duo:Being present and participating in the class could boost one’s performance overall. After all, participating is a crucial step in the learning process. The reason behind that is by participating, one is actively engaging in the learning process and must have to come prepared for class in order to participate. There are several Moot Courts to take participate in for your general practice as well which is compulsory for law students.
5- Distractions are a big no-no: This is the most common issue that leads to decrease in one’s involvement in a class ultimately plummeting their performance overall. Most often students tend to surf the internet or check their emails during class which is as bad as skipping the class. The students should be aware that they are paying substantial money to learn and become better lawyers (How to become a Lawyer after 12th) and should prefer to use the devices outside the learning environment.
6- Jotting the essentials: During classes, it is essential to take notes as they serve as a reminder of any new concepts and learning that professor might teach during the day. They should serve as filling the gaps only as most of the notes should come from the assigned readings and briefs earlier. There should be a proper balance while taking notes so that one should not skip anything new nor does he get so much involved in noting everything, that he will loose attention and participation in the class. Also, it is pivotal to review the notes after as well as before the class and also before starting the next reading.
7- Defining the framework: Preparing the framework or simply outlining the course for each class is vital for gaining expertise in the subject. Not relying completely on the commercial outlines or developed by more senior aspirants but simply devising one’s own is essential for greater learning and a more successful grade score. Following the same is necessary to develop a course framework that would surely lead to mastering the subject matter and deciding how the directives relate to one another. Although the outlining could be done weekly, monthly or whenever a new topic is completed, it is ideal that it should be done by what’s suited by the individual.
8- Stalling and Cramming – the two big evils:Procrastination and cramming are indeed two obstacles that should be avoided in law school. There is no space for cramming stuff as there is a lot to cover up and adding stalling into the mix just messes it further. So, instead of waiting until the readings to start reviewing for exams and doing it frequently throughout the whole semester is a big win-win situation for everyone. It will surely lead to much superior exam performance and ultimately to good grades.
9- Take practice exams: Practice exams are gold when comes to preparing for the exams especially those administered by the professors or by some external mediators. The ideal way is to take these exams and evaluate them by comparing the answers to the answer key. In retrospect, practice tests and exam preparations are directly proportional, that is, the more you solve such practice exams, the better you will be prepared for the exams.
10 Stress reduction: There is no bigger enemy to student life than stress, especially when you are pursuing a demanding career like law (Career Options after Law). Surprisingly there are several ways to reduce stress drastically and they should be followed by everyone not to improve their studies but also their overall health. Eating two fruit servings a day, maintaining a healthy weight, being more active, etc are sure short ways to diminish stress from daily life. Even small things like humor, getting proper sleep, and reduction in caffeine consumption can be helpful in the long run. Along with an adequate study schedule, maintaining a healthy and active life outside law school is essential. Even if these things are not working, one should consider talking to someone or simply seek professional help. Overall, mental health is not a joke.
11- Beating the odds is not everything: While healthy competition is often promoted, it can be a hurdle in the academic life of a student. We should accept that not everyone is going to achieve the golden place of number one. Instead, giving your best should be the top priority. Not stressing the ego aspect, one should be respectful and supportive of his classmates. It promotes a good social life and provides a more cheerful law school experience.