01 ,November 2019
I was born and raised in a society where women are believed to be weak. It also made me believe that women are destined to be housewives and are to take care of all the chores. I see a lot of women struggling to earn for the living while their man are busy drinking and having affairs. I have seen so many situations where men cheated their wives and women are being blamed for the cause. The status of women is never high and it is always believed that man is the head of the family. As a Christian dominant society and as per the teaching of the Bible, The Lord must be the head of the man and man must be the head of their wife. Ironically man shows power over their wife but forget that the Lord should be the head of the man. Tracing from our ancient society, there was never equal opportunity for men and women. Women always have the less opportunity or they don’t get the opportunity. In case of getting education, girls were put to stay away from the educational institution, where boys were admitted. This was because girls were believed to stay at home and do the household chores and that educations were unnecessary for them. What man doesn’t understand is that doing household chores was not an easy task. Women also rear animals, plough the land and cultivated lands. So back in the olden days women work so hard to keep the family together, but never get an appreciation because they were believed to do that. Women are mistreated badly and very often the importance of women is underestimated.
But what the society doesn’t know is that ‘behind every successful man there is a woman’. Women are the ultimate strength and support behind the success of an individual. As the world gets modernized, the views get broaden. Gradually people started realizing the importance of a woman. But it never did to an extent where woman deserve it. Women have a lot of traits that men doesn’t have and lack of. Especially when it comes to emotional support, women are believed to give a better emotional support than man does. The society must appreciate the worth of every woman. Knows the important of the existence of women and appreciate each and every woman. A family can never be whole without the existence of a mother. The society still has the mindset where ‘good girls’ or ‘good women’ are to be good in cooking, doing household chores, taking care of the kids etc. These mindsets have to be stop because Women can also do everything what a man does. And women should be appreciated more.
But at times women have to work doubly hard for that appreciation as the society is unwilling to give them their due and therefore at times their voices are suppressed but Lloyd Law College, Top law colleges in india, is trying to change this by giving women their due and putting them at the forefront through the Equal Opportunity Centre which aims to take affirmative action and provide a barrier free College experience where equity and equal opportunity eliminate discrimination and provide for social inclusion.