Dr. Om Krishna
- Position: Associate Professor
- Email: om.krishna@lloydlawcollege.edu.in
B.A.(Delhi University), LL.B., B.ED., CTET. HTET, M.A. (M.D.U), LL.M., UGC-NET, Ph.D.(JPU),
Dr. Om Krishna is a Professor of Political Science at LLOYD LAW COLLEGE. Dr. Krishna is an active alumnus of The Sri Venketeshwara College, University of Delhi.. He has completed his Ph.D. Thesis entitled “E-Governance: Issues and Challenges’. His area of research majorly focuses on International Relations, Human Rights, Vedic Scriptures, Islamic Studies and Corporate Laws.
Dr. Krishna believes that Education is essentially a normative endeavour, hence is intentional. It intends, rather deliberately, to socialize children into a value frame or normative structure. That is why history reveals that every education system, at different historical periods, had been guided by certain value concerns. Dr. Krishna believes that Great teachers have clear goals and a big vision for students to learn and achieve at high levels.
Dr. Krishna believes that to be an educator that impacts the lives of many students in positive ways they must be willing to be vulnerable and willing to grow, increasing their capacity. Their burning desire to do the best for the student is in the centre of their vision and they realise by doing a great job with the small things, great things happen.
Dr. Krishna believes that establishing a safe and challenging classroom climate is essential for students to feel able to freely think and express their ideas. Making a mistake is not a problem as students are aware that they are perfectly imperfect and learning from this mistake that is important. Problem solving, it’s about life skills that our students need to have. The ability to think ‘out of the box’ and not simply do what has been done before because it is the common thing to do.
- Dr. Krishna Presently, teaching Political Science as full time faculty at Lloyds Law College, Greater Noida.(since July,2017 till date.)
- He has Worked as Assistant Professor in Seedling School of Law and Governance, Jaipur National University, Jaipur from 13th July 2015 till 20th july,2017.
- He Worked as Assistant Professor in Raffles University, Neemrana (School of Law) since 16th August, 2014.teaching Political Science and Sociology in BA.LLB (5 years integrated course) till 12th july’2015
- He also has worked as Assistant Professor in Chandra Prabhu Jain College of Higher Studies and School of Law, Delhi affiliated to Guru Gibing Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. July,2012- 14th August, 2014.
- Guest Faculty in Personal Contact Programme (PCP) classes at Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Political Science), School of Open learning, University of Delhi, New Delhi. (6-months).
- Worked as guest faculty for Non Collegiate women Education Board (NCWEB), University of Delhi. (6-months).
Roles & Responsibilities
- Faculty convener in celebrating Vigilance awareness week, and organising debate completion on 1 st Nov,2018 ,under Central Vigilance commission ,Government of India, initiative in topic “Eradicate corruption: Building New India “at Lloyd Law College.
- Faculty coordinator. For three days workshop at Lloyd law college, taking charge of Accommodations and Travelling for Participants.
- Presently Attendance Coordinator for 3rd Semester.BA.LLB &4th Sem BA.LLB.
- Faculty In charge of five days certificate course on Global Constitutionalism: Emerging trends environmental law / environmental rule of law international commercial arbitration presided by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Perter Mohan Peiris,Retired chief Justice ,Supreme Court,Sri Lanka.(4th Dec,2017-9th Dec;2017.
- Organized one day Debate and Elocution Competition on Eradicate Corruption-Build a new India in collaboration with GAIL(INDIA) Limited on 1st November,2018.
- Participated as Judge in Caso De Estudio(Case study Challenge) organised by Amity Institute of social sciences.AUUP,Noida in 2018.
- Organized 5 Days course on Global Constitutionalism from 04th to 08th December, 2017,by Lloyd Law College,Greator Noida,UP.
- Participated as Faculty Coordinator in 3rd Prof.N.R.Madhwa Menon SAARC Mooting Competion India round 2017-18 from 27th -29th October, 2017.
- Participated as member of Organising Committee in Champions League-2019 held at Lloyd Law College,KP-II,G.Noida on 7th to 9th March 2019.
- Organized UMANG,Sports fest,an Flagship event as Faculty Convenor in 2018 and 2019.
Books, Research & Publications
- Book published recently titled “Political Theory:Institutions and Government” by Goya Publishing House.(ISBN:978-93-88951-13-5)
- Book Published in 20120 on CLAT Preparion by Jain Publishing House Darya Ganj (SBN: 978-93-88951-13-5 )
- Research paper published in - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) | Impact Factor: 5.75 | UGC & ISSN Approved and Impact Factor: 5.75. “Role Of Digital Technologies In Good Governance In India: An Overview” Vol 6 Issue 2 June 2019, ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138,pp 217-226.
- Research paper published in Environmental Jurisprudence in Indian perspective: Role of Higher Judiciary, in Referred Journal National Law News,ISSN No.0976-4305.RNI No.UPBIL/2007/23646
- Research Paper Published in UGC approved Journal “INROADS”TITLED “Digitising India: Challenges and Prospects”.Volume.6, No.1, January-June, 2017.
- Research paper Published in Proceedings of National Seminar on “25 Years of Economic Reforms Issues, Challenges and Solutions” in collaboration with Ministry of MSME, Government of India, Technology Development Centre,PPDC,entitled “Skill development and Global Human resource management in Post liberalised India “
- Research paper published in International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research ,ISSN 2348-3156 (Print) ISSN 2348-3164 (online) entitled “ Environmental Discourses in Vedic Period” Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp: (683-687), Month: January - March 2016,
- Research Paper Published in International journal Titled” Balance between “Growth” and “Inclusion”: ‘Inclusive Growth ‘in Era of Liberalisation”, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016 ISSN: 2454-1362, IRJIF IMPACT FACTOR: 2.88
- Research Paper Published entitled Balance between “Growth” and “Inclusion”: ‘Inclusive Growth’ in Post liberalised India. In North Asian International Research Journal Consortium, ISSN 2454-9827, Volume-2,Issue-4,2016.
- Article published in International referred journal “DRASTA” published from Rohtak on “Reservation policy in India”
- Article published in CPJ-LAW journal volume –III July 2013, ISSN-0976-3562 “Reservation policy necessity of correction”.
- Article published in CPJ Global Review International Journal Volume VI July 2014, ISSN-0975-1874 titled “Civil Society since Independence”
- Research paper published entitled” Restructuring Governance: An Application of New Public Management”(UNDER PROCESS)
- Research paper published in Inroads, An International Journal of Jaipur National University titled:” Political, Economic and ethical vision of Sukracharya in Sukraniti” Vol. 05, Jan-Dec, 2016. (ISSN: 2277-4904)
International & National Seminars/Conferences
- Paper presented at International seminar at Panjabi University (Patiala) on “Structural changes in South Asia”.
- Paper presented at National Seminar held at Geeta Institute School of Law (Affiliated to Kurukshetra University) on “Right to Information, Humble Beginning in India”.
- Paper presented at National Seminar held at MDU,Rohtak on “Women Empowerment”
- Paper presented at DDM College, University of Tripura at National Seminar on the topic “Civilization Change through Human Development”.
- Paper presented at Shamsher Bahadur Saxena College of law (affiliated to MDU Rohtak) on “Civil Society Organization and Women Empowerment.”
- Paper presented in International Seminar on Emerging Challenges in International Law on “An Overview on International Rule of Law” at ITM University.
- Paper presented at Dr. Ambedkar MDU Rohtak on “Reservation Policy: Evaluation since independence”.
- Participated in National Seminar on “Uncovering The Black Money: Limits of Law” chaired by senior Advocate Mr Ram Jethmalani held at seedling school of Law and Governance,Jaipur National University,Jaipur
- Participated in the National Seminar on “Welfare of Lawyers” organised by Bar Council Of Delhi Inaugurated by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, President of India at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Certificate of Appreciation from Bar Council of Delhi for rendering services in organising the mega event on 4th May 22013 at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi.
- Organised Seminar on the topic “Judicial Activism encroaching Parliamentary Sovereignty” at Chandra Prabhu Jain College of Higher Studies and School of Law.
- Attended National Seminar on “Effect of Liberalisation on Developing Nations” by Department of Management, Indira Gandhi National Open University Delhi.
- Participated in Training Programme on ‘Protection of‘Women’s Right; An International &Indian Perspective’ in association with National Human Right Commission.
Workshops, Faculty Development Programs & Training Programs
- Participated in 7 Days Faculty Development Programme on “Law and Social Sciences” from 02nd to 08th January at Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida.
- Participated in Professional development Workshop on “New ways of teaching and Research for better delivery of Legal Services” organised at Lloyd Law college, Greater Noida on 7th September-10th Sep 2017,Chaired by N. R Madhwa Menon,in association with Society of Law firms and Bar Council of India
- Editorial Board: Journal of Advanced Research in Business Law and Technology Management
- Editorial Board :The journal “National Journal of Environmental Law” (http://lawjournals.stmjournals.in/index.php/jel/about/editorialTeam
- Associated with in editorial board of Law Journals. http://cle.celnet.in/ www.stmjournals.com/lawjournals
Awards & Honours
- Certificate of Appreciation from management for participating as Organising team in 5th N.R.Madhwa Menon SAARCLAW Mooting Comptt,2019-20.
- Organised UMANG,Sports fest,an Flagship event as Faculty Convenor in 2018 and 2019.
- Certificate of Honour and Appreciation as member ,Committee Head in Lloyd Job fest from 7th -8th April,2018 ,supported by Government of Utter Pradesh.