Women’s role in education in India

Home | Women’s role in education in India

Relevance Of Comparative Constitutional Law- Madhava  Menon

08 ,November 2019

Education is considered as the most important tool for empowering women in society. It is not only developing the personality of an individual. But all plays an important role in economic, social, cultural development.

The education of the women in India plays a significant role in improving the living standard in the country .In other words basically the bitter truth of women education in India is that when the choice comes. They prefer to invest  on the education of sons, rather than their daughter, it is believed that the sons will side with the father in old age and on the other hand after some time the girl will get married, she will go to home in other family ,therefore do not care much for women education

Importance of women education

If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a women you educate a whole family, women empowered means mother India empowered” , PT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU. Women education in Indiaplays a very important role in the overall development of the country. it not only helps in the development of half of the human resources . But in improving the quality of life at home and outside. if it is said that education is the key to all problems, then it won’t be improper .thinker have given a number of definitions of education but out of these definitions, the most important definition is that which was put forth by M. Phule.

According to M. Phule,”education is that which demonstrates the difference between what is good and what is evil

Educated women not only tend to promote education of their girl children, but also can provide better guidance to all their children .moreover educated women can also help in the reduction of infant mortality rate and growth of the population.

still the condition of the women in India is improving day by day before some time ago parents are not allowing to girls go to outside the home even for the studies.

For example

Family of three girls and youngest boy. Only the boy went to a private school as well as same condition in higher education. The girls were sent to a govt school when they were toppers of their classes.


I would like to say that education is very important for all girls child whether boy or girl. Education is the key factor for girl’s empowerment prosperity, development and welfare.

The Equal Opportunity Cell at Lloyd Law College is trying to work toward removing this disparity and encourage the female students to reach new heights at Lloyd Law College.

Law Faculty,
Lloyd Law College