1. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Director (Research) won the Best Presenter and Paper at the CLEA Conference on Comparative Constitutional Law: Developments and its Teaching Techniques in Commonwealth Nations, School of Legal Studies, Mody University, Rajasthan, September, 2018.
2. Ms. Chhaya Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor was selected as Assistant to Mr. Dire Tladi at the United Nations International Law Commission at the 70th Session, August 2018. She particularly worked on "Draft Articles on peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens)" and "Protection of Atmosphere".
3. Ms. Chhaya Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor was selected as the Local Pathways Fellow by United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network [UNSDSN], August 2018. She is closely working with the UNSDSN to develop local action plan for Greater Noida- Sustainable City.
4. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Director (Research) participated in 2nd Course of China- South Asia Legal Training Base organized by China Law Society and Yunnan University, China from 7th- 27th January, 2018.
5. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Director (Research) won the Best Presenter at the 2nd International Conference on the Contemporary Legal Issues, School of Law,, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, March 2018.
6. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Assistant Director (Research) has been awarded Research Fellow, China- South Asia Legal Research Center, China Law Society in January, 2018.
7. Dr. Vikram Singh, Assistant Professor participated in a Panel Discussion on the Theme “Comparative Constitutional Law in South Asia” organized by Winter School, National Law University Delhi and Italy University from 10th- 17th January, 2018 at New Delhi.
8. Mr. Ankit Rai, Assistant Professor participated in a Panel Discussion on the Theme “Comparative Constitutional Law in South Asia” organized by Winter School, National Law University Delhi and Italy University from 10th- 17th January, 2018 at New Delhi.
9. Ms. Chhaya Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor completed United Nations Regional Course in International Law, 2017 as the Indian United Nations Fellow, 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand.
10. Ms. Sahiba Maqbool, Assistant Professor Presented Paper on “Drones and Accountability” at the First International Youth Summit organized by University of Lahore, Pakistan from 6th- 12th November, 2017.
1. Ms. Chhaya Bhardwaj,GST Compensation Fund and Climate Change Policies in India, The Practical Lawyer, 2018
2. Ms. Chhaya Bhardwaj,Advisory Opinion of ICJ: An Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanism under International law,Journal of Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence,2018
3. Mr. Ritabrata Roy,Case comment on Naveen Chandra Pant v. State of Uttarakhand and Ors Book on the National Conference on Prospective Amendments in Criminal Law 2018 ISBN 978819382639
4. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal,Transparency and Right to Information in the Non-Governmental Organisations and Private Institutions Performing Public Functions”, Journal of Campus Law Centre 2018 [ISSN: 2321-4716];
5. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Working Requirements‟ in the Patent System: A Critical Analysis”, Dr Kiran Gardner, Nizam Khan et al, (eds) Lex Et Societatis- Contemporary Legal Issues, Infinity Publishing, New Delhi. 2018, [ISBN: 978-93-87910-06-5];
6. Ms Meghana Sahay, Medical ‘Value’ Tourism Industry in India: An Analysis of the Sector , CNLU Law Jounal , 2018, ISSN 0976805X
7. Ms. Shweta Thakur, Women and International Humanitarian Law, Dr Kiran Gardner, Nizam Khan et al, (eds) Lex Et Societatis- Contemporary Legal Issues, Infinity Publishing, New Delhi. 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87910-06-5,
8. Dr Vikram Singh, Women and International Humanitarian Law, Dr Kiran Gardner, Nizam Khan et al, (eds) Lex Et Societatis- Contemporary Legal Issues, Infinity Publishing, New Delhi. 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87910-06-5, Infinity Publishing, New Delhi.
9. Ms. Divya Garg, The Darker Side of Slash Fan Fiction: Essays on Power, Consent and the Body, (Un)Sanctioned Bodies: The State-Sexuality-Disability Nexus in Captain America Slash Fan Fiction, 2018, ISBN 978-1-4766-7121-5McFarland and Co.
10. Ms. Bijetri Roy, The World’s Shame: The Global Rape Epidemic. How Laws Around the World are Failing to Protect Women and Girls from Sexual Violence , Equality Now’s Report, 2017.
11. Dr. Om Krishna, Digitising India:Challenges and Prospects, Inroads, 2017.
12. Dr. Pushp Lamba, Digitization in the Retail Industry: Insights on the possibilities beyond Ecommerce & the driving force behind its Omni- channel growth’, International Journal of Sales & Marketing Management Research and Development, 2017, ISSN (P): 2249-6939.
13. Dr. Pushp Lamba, Narration and Storytelling in imparting Effective Communication, International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2017, ISSN (P): 2347- 4564.
14. Dr. Pushp Lamba, A New Era in Agricultural Marketing in India’, International Journal of Research in Business Management, 2017, ISSN (P): '2347-4572;
15. Dr. Pushp Lamba, Feedback & its Relevance in Communication’, International Journal of Business Management & Research, 2017, ISSN (P): 2249-6920;
16. Dr. Pushp Lamba, The Successful Indian Market Entry - A Case study of METRO Cash & Carry’, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering and Research, 2017.
17. Ms. Smitha K, Effectiveness of Judiciary: The Importance of Structural Reforms for A Developing Country, National Law Day 2017 published by Law Commission of India and Niti Aayog, 2017.
18. Dr. Kavitha Chalakkal, Effectiveness of Judiciary: The Importance of Structural Reforms for A Developing Country, National Law Day 2017 published by Law Commission of India and Niti Aayog, 2017.
19. Ms Sahiba Maqbool, Implications of the Use of Drones under International Law in Pakistan, Sri-Lankan Journal of International Law, 2017, ISSN 1391 5568;
20. Ms Anjali Prabhakaran, Case Comment on : Moindeen E.M. vs State of Kerela, Jamia Law Journal, 2017, 2456-2718;
21. Akhilesh K. Khan, Judicial Deliquency and Delay in Disposal of Cases : Myths and Realities, Conference Papers- Law Commission of India and National Law Day ,2017.
22. Ahsan Rashid, Judicial Deliquency and Delay in disposal of cases: Rights and Realistics, Conference Papers- Law Commission of India and National Law Day, 2017.
23. Ms Anjali Prabhakaran, Case Comment on : Moindeen E.M. vs State of Kerela, Jamia Law Journal, 2017, 2456-2718;
24. Akhilesh K Khan, Crime and Punishment in Ancient Smriti India”, Bodhi -Path, Delhi University, 2016, ISSN: 2347-8004;
25. Apurva Verma, Adultery a Law in India- A critique, A Critique Universitas- An International Peer Reviewed Journal , 2016, ISSN 2229-5542;
26. Anil Kr. Thakur, "Bharat me Mahilaon Ke Kanooni Adhikaar", Monthly Magazine- Shaheed Ram Lakhan, 2016, RNI title Code, BIHHIN 11708;
27. Chaaya Bhardwaj, Defining the role of due deligence and duty to inform under International Law to prevent transboundary harm, International Journal of Legal Insights, 2016, ISSN No. 2518-3257;
28. Dr Kavitha Chalakkal, Case Comment on South China Sea Arbitration Award, Amity Law Review,Amity Law School, Delhi [ 2016 ISSN 2249-2232];
29. Dr Kavitha Chalakkal, Case review of India – Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules (WT/DS/456), Journal of Law and Public Policy, NLSIU: Bangalore Vol 3, 2016 [ISSN:2350-1200];
30. Dr. Om Krishna, Balance between growth and : Inclusive Growth in post liberalised India, North Asian International Research Journal, 2016 ISSN 2454-9327;
31. Dr. Om Krishna, Environmental Discourses in Vedic Period, Journal of Social Science and Humanities Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2016, ISSN 2348-3156;
32. Dr. Om Krishna, ” Balance between “Growth” and “Inclusion”:‘Inclusive Growth ‘in Era of Liberalisation, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016, ISSN: 2454-1362;
33. Dr. Om Krishna, Growth” and “Inclusion”: ‘Inclusive Growth’: in Post liberalised India, North Asian International Research Journal Consortium, 2016, ISSN 2454-9827;
34. Dr. Om Krishna, Political, Economic and ethical vision of Sukracharya in Sukraniti,, Inroads, ” Vol. 05, Jan-Dec, 2016, ISSN:2277-4904;
35. Akhilesh K Khan, Hindu Women in Ancient India, The Law, Volume: III, Issue: I, 2015, ISSN:2319-3735;
36. Anil Kr. Thakur, "Kanoon Ki Padhai Me Naye Aayaam Avam Sambhavnaye," Monthly Magazine- Shaheed Ram Lakhan, 2015, RNI title Code, BIHHIN 11708;
37. Dr. Om Krishna, Civil Society since Independence, CPJ Global Review International Journal Volume VI July, 2014, ISSN-0975- 1874;
38. Dr. Om Krishna, Reservation policy: Necessity of Correction Ethical Vision of Civil Society since Independence, CPJ-LAW journal volume –III July, 2013, ISSN-0976- 3562 ;