For the security and added comfort, Lloyd Law College provides buses for the transportation of our students.
1. Well connected transport facility will be provided to the students by the College from different parts of Delhi / NCR. There are three bus routes in Delhi / NCR. All bus routes are thoroughly connected with major Metro Stations. Student may opt for any route and such opted route cannot be changed without prior permission from the concerned authority.
2. Transport facility is provided to the students at competitive rates on “no profit no loss” basis.
3. Student who is availing the transport facility will be charged for the whole academic year i.e. (Jul 2018-May 2019). Students have to pay the fee within a week after the commencement of the academic course. Students have to remit the fess for 8/9 months period in advance as one time transport fee. In case of nonpayment of remaining transport fee; the same amount shall be automatically added to their respective semester fee.
4. If a student is availing transport facility even for a single day during a month, he/she shall have to pay full fee for whole academic year. Student who is availing one side transport facility, also have to pay full transport fee. Further fee shall be charged for higher distance travelled either way without permission.
5. Transport facility will be withdrawn from those students are not attending 03 days consecutive classes.
6. Transport fee once paid shall not be refundable under any circumstances.
7. In case of any accident /mishap / harm or loss is caused to any student or to his/her property, the college will not be responsible for the loss occurred and will not be indemnified for the same.
8. During to and fro journey of the bus, student shall not be allowed to de-board the bus in between. If found so, the college will have every right to take disciplinary action against such student.
9. Carrying bus pass and college ID card is mandatory on board the bus and it is non- transferable.
10. The students are advised to be at the boarding point 05 minutes before the arriving/departing time and bus will not wait for any student. Bus timing shall be strictly adhered.
11. If the student arrives late at the boarding point after the bus leaves the point, he/she shall make their own transportation arrangement. College does not hold any responsibility.
12. During the journey strict discipline is to be maintained in the bus. Smoking, consumption of liquor, playing cards and music is strictly prohibited in the bus.
13. Stern action will be taken to those students who are involved ragging, eve teasing, threatening of bus staff, breaking bus accessories, causing damages to the bus and misbehaving with teachers/bus staff.
14. No outsiders are allowed in the bus in any reason, if found so, stern action shall be initiated against such student who is responsible.
15. As situation warrants, the coordinators would have the binding authority to modify or change the routes/rules.
16. Those who have registered later for transport facility may have to adjust with the availability of seats.
17. Any disputes arising regarding transportation shall be dealt by the Deputy Director.
18. In case of sudden failure of buses the students shall cooperate with the management and shall make their own arrangement. Every best effort will be made to avoid such situations.