PIL for banning deadliest online game PUBG


PIL for banning deadliest online game PUBG

The present petition in public interest (PIL) has been filed by the petitioner in respect to the ban on an online game called “Players Unknown Battleground”, also to request the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to take an action for implementation of online gaming laws to monitor the online games before its launch to the public of our country. The PIL has been filed before the Apex Court of Law demanding the writ of Mandamus under Article 32 and the violation of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. There is no personal interest of the petitioners herein in this PIL
PUBG was launched in March 2018 by “Tencent Gaming Corporation” and at present there around 2000 million downloads on PUBG and more than 30 million daily active users across the nations out of which most of the population is children and the youth. Being a battle game, PUBG is a violent and aggressive game and addictive as well, it depicts murder, hatred, blood etc. The game was also requested to ban on different cities of India such as Jammu, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara, Somnath, Bhopal etc. because of certain miss-happenings. The cause of action arose when a boy In Jammu got hospitalized for playing the game consecutively for days, while students were scoring less marks in their exams. The game has been a reason for many People’s disturbed lives and henceforth it should be banned. In a country like India it is very important to have gaming laws to regulate and monitor online games and its content so that any such content that is violent, dangerous or is risky to gamers in any way can be avoided and prevented. An Ethical Review Committee should be constituted to keep a check on gamer’s activity and to prevent any unethical content to be regulated. This online game is frequently attacking the mindset of the youth and also harming their capacity to think positive it is generally developing a mind full of aggression and violence. It is humiliating the strength of our nation and as the game is spreading day to day across the nation and it is becoming dangerous for the people living in the society, various incidents have been recorded since the game has been launched in the country and to look over those incidents
We have requested the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India through this PIL to take necessary steps to prevent our country from such online gaming disease and violative actions. We have attached annexures attached to support our arguments.
The main objective of our prayer is:
To allow the ban on the deadliest online game called “PUB-G” or
To allow a stay order on the game till the matter is pending before the Hon’ble Court, Or to pass an order as the court thinks fit in light of justice.
To pass an order to constitute and “Ethical Review Committee” for the constructing of online gaming laws in which we are lacking.
To direct the concerned authority to give its reviews on the gaming laws.


Public interest lawyering is a process of legal empowerment aimed at capacity building of everyday people towards using the law and institutions to bring about social change. In public interest lawyering, general people and community takes the lead in an active process while working hand in hand with lawyers. It is a process that requires the participation of the affected community from onset. Public interest lawyering bridges the paternalistic gap that exist between the lawyer and the end users of the laws within our communities, whereby the communities are disregarded in the articulation of legal issues surrounding them.

Today we understand that the significance of legal empowerment especially towards poverty reduction can be seen with the established link between legal rights and poverty. It is therefore the moral duty of lawyers to teach and educate the public about the law and how to use the law to achieve common good that will positively impact on all the people with the same characteristics. The role of lawyers as agents of change and builders of civil society ought to be made apparent from beginning just as medical doctors have the underlining principle of saving life.

The introduction of law clinics and clinical legal education in Law School has kick started the reform of legal education and incorporation of public interest values. Under this programme, Law School have introduced curriculum based clinical law courses and established law clinics that creates opportunities for law students to provide human rights education and legal aid services to vulnerable groups, persons in places of detention and communities that are legally under-served. Legal Aid Society through its work expands the legal services available for all in need by building and supporting innovative partnerships with nonprofit organizations, law schools and the private sector.

Our program is to build and expand the capacity of a nationwide response system of paralegals providing increasing lawyering skills, expanding volunteerism in the legal profession, and engaging law students in giving back to society today and preparing them as future public interest lawyers. There is of course the obvious debate between the economic instances within our country versus abilities of lawyers to pursue public interest lawyering. However, public interest strategies adopted by practicing lawyers can balance out these economic arguments. In addition, as stipulated above, clinical law students as paralegals are available human resources if adequate networks and links are established. On the above background, we are establishing our PIL - Centre for research based social / public interest lawyering as part of our Legal Aid Centre.


  • Mr. Aman Shekhar - BA.LL.B. - Sem. IX
  • Mr. Ayush Prakash - BA.LL.B. - Sem. VII
  • Mr. Byron Sequeira - BA.LL.B. - Sem. VII
  • Ms. Shbanam Khan - LL.B. - Sem. III
  • Mr. Nitesh Mishra - LL.B. - Sem. III
  • Ms. Sonali Chauhan - LL.B. - Sem. III